Key Information for Travelers to Malaysia.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Dear Friends of Malaysia,

The government of Malaysia has announced a further lift on the restrictions and SOPs for those entering Malaysia. Now, Malaysia reopens its international borders to expatriates, international students studying in Malaysia and healthcare travellers.

Expatriates under the Employment Pass 1 (EP) category who hold senior management posts in companies in Malaysia are now allowed to enter the country without applying for approval from the Immigration Department. They must either undergo swab tests in their countries before coming to Malaysia or undergo a Covid-19 test once they reach Malaysia. However, the expatriates need to apply for a professional visit pass through the expatriate service division online.

Similarly, Malaysia allows admittance of international students studying at public and private higher learning institutions as well as international schools who would like to return to Malaysia to resume their studies. They have to register with the Education Ministry or the Higher Education Ministry and undergo a Covid-19 test in their countries or as soon as they land in Malaysia.

We are also welcoming healthcare travellers back to Malaysia. Healthcare travellers need to register with the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) before coming to Malaysia for treatment and adhere to the necessary SOPs as outlined by MHTC. Stay tuned to the detailed SOPs that will be shared with the public once they have been finalised by MHTC .

The containment of Covid-19 in Malaysia serves as a testament of our sound medical healthcare and the efficiency of our frontliners. We wish to showcase Malaysia Healthcare’s capabilities and strengths as a world-class quality healthcare destination. Therefore, we are happy to reopen our doors to healthcare travellers once again.

On the business front, the government has given the permission for meetings, courses, trainings as well as seminars to be conducted with a strict adherence to the SOP. While the maximum number of participants allowed has been set to 250 people, the size of the halls where they are conducted shall determine if they can accommodate up to 250 people. Organisers must also ensure that there is ample space for social distancing and provide sufficient hand sanitisers. Participants can only be served packed food as buffet meals are still not allowed to avoid close contact.

Let us keep in mind that while these restrictions have been eased due to the reduction in the number of cases; social distancing, wearing of masks and frequent hand wash are still the way to go in order to avoid the spread of the virus.

We are happy to report that the number of recovered cases continued to increase and as of 19 June 2020, the rate of recovery has reached 94.55% in Malaysia. We hope that this trend will continue and that we will be free of Covid-19 soon.


Be informed about Malaysia
as a travel destination.